Observations and Lessons from the Life of King Hezekiah
Speaker: Rich Hendricks Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile Passage: 2 Kings 18–21
When reading through books of the Old Testament, such as First and Second Kings, it can be a bit tedious and confusing--even weird. With all the different kings, prophets, and empires involved, we might find ourselves reading quickly through it wondering what I can learn from all of this and how it relates to me today. But, when three whole chapters (along with six chapters in two other books) deal with one person, it challenges us to take a closer look.
other sermons in this series
Aug 27
The Last Days of Israel
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: 2 Kings 15–17 Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile
Aug 20
Faith Can Have Disguises
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: 2 Kings 11–14 Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile
Aug 13
Day of Reckoning
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: 2 Kings 8–10 Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile