Linworth Road Church is led by a plurality of leaders, called pastors, according to the pattern set in the New Testament. The pastors exist to provide overarching leadership for the body of Christ. They serve by leading, teaching, pastoring, and praying for the church. Pastors, through their example, help set an atmosphere for spiritual growth and meaningful relationships. Working with the members of Linworth, they discern God’s direction, so together, we can fulfill our common mission.

Staff Pastors

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Chris Martin

Spiritual Formation Pastor (Elder)

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Nick Carruthers

Lead Pastor (Elder)

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Rich Hendricks

Family Pastor (Elder)

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Mike Faler

Missions & Evangelism Co-Director (Elder)



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Caleb Miller

Worship & Creative Arts Director

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Erin Hendricks

Women's Ministry Director

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Lisa Finn

Children's Ministry Director

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Dale Schuler

Evangelism & Missions Co-Director

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Louise Martin

Administrative Assistant

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Jaclyn LoSchiavo

Administrative Assistant

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Krieg Wissinger

Student Ministry Director


Elder Board

Chris Martin

Nick Carruthers

Rich Hendricks

Bob Hearon

Nick LoShiavo

Mike Faler