Welcome to Linworth Homeschool Ministry!


Linworth Homeschool Ministry (LHM) is a Christian cooperative homeschool support group in Columbus, Ohio. As a ministry of Linworth Road Church, LHM is rich with enthusiastic leaders, with groups geared for students who are in kindergarten (and five years old as of September 1st of that school year) through high school. Growth opportunities abound through field trips, special events, and so much more! LHM meets from 8:45 am to noon for younger grades and weekly for high school on the first two Fridays of the month. Feel free to pack a lunch and eat with others from 12:00 to 12:30!

Our mission at Linworth Homeschool Ministry is to support member families who home-educate as they raise their children to their full potential as devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  (Matthew 28:19, 20)

LHM exists to provide supplemental education, extra-curricular, social, and ministry opportunities for LHM students as well as provide support and encouragement to homeschool families.

Click Here to Enroll in LHM 

Contact Us:

Phone: 614-442-5722

5400 Linworth Road
Columbus, OH 43235

E-mail: linworthhomeschoolministry@gmail.com

Please note: To enroll children in the childcare and preschool groups, your oldest child must be at least five years old (as of September 1st of that school year) and entering Kindergarten or a higher grade.

Click Here to Enroll in LHM 

Frequently Asked Questions about LHM



How long has LHM been in existence?


Formerly known as Linworth Road Academy (LRA), LHM has been serving homeschool families for over 20 years...two generations of homeschoolers.  It has changed and grown immensely through the years.


Where is LHM located?


LHM is a ministry of Linworth Road Church.  This is where most of our fun takes place!  Linworth Road Church is located on Linworth Road south of Dublin-Granville Road, and just west of Olentangy River Road.  The address is 5400 Linworth Road Columbus, OH 43235. 


Whom does LHM serve?

A: LHM serves its members who have chosen to home educate some or all of their children.  Group classes serve children from Kindergarten through high school age children. 


How many families belong to LHM?

A: There have been as few as 30 and as many as 65 families in LHM.  LHM does have capacity limits for the classroom, which limits the size of the group to some degree.


What types of group classes are available?



Kindergarten students must be 5 years old as of September 1st. 

The youngest students (usually through age 7) remain in group classes that are instructed by an individual teacher covering various subjects. 

Elementary and Middle School students are divided into aged groups and rotate through three (60-minute) or four (45-minute) classes. The subjects vary upon the talents of our group leaders but generally include Art and Phys. Ed. Other subjects in the past have included Science, Spanish, Geography, Bible, etc.

High School classes meet every week.  Students are able to select which classes in which they would like to enroll.  The classes offered vary from year to year but generally include Literature, Science, and Bible/Logic.  Homework is given and expected to be turned in to teachers for grades.High School classes meet every week.  Students are able to select which classes in which they would like to enroll.  The classes offered vary from year to year but generally include Literature, Science, and Bible/Logic.  Homework is given and expected to be turned in to teachers for grades.


How many students are in each group?


Group sizes vary but all typically fall between 7 and 14 students.


Can I be included if our family has chosen to participate in a state-sponsored education program?


Yes, though LHM does not promote these programs.  LHM does promote support of Christian Home Educators of Ohio (CHEO) and Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).


What are the overall benefits of being a member family of LHM?


Groups are led by creative and enthusiastic teachers.

LHM families are welcome to participate in LHM events and activities.

Ministering to others is our benefit, not our obligation!  We receive the privilege of giving encouragement and support to others in the body of Christ.

Receiving support and encouragement from other homeschoolers!  There are many fellowship and friendship opportunities at LHM.

Enjoy many group benefits, such as discounted participation in our Woodcock-Johnson IV testing to help our families to assess their students' progress.

Student and family connections - PRICELESS!


What obligations do parents have to the co-op and support group?


To abide by and sign the LHM Statement of Faith.

A responsibility to become informed regarding communications from and to LHM via handbook; LHM mailbox; email; website, phone, newsletters, sign-ups, and other forms of contact.  This includes an obligation to attend the annual LHM Kick-Off Meeting (usually in August).

Positive participation of students in classroom activities, which may include homework.

Teaching in the classrooms throughout the session, abiding by the requirement to seek a substitute helper should one be needed.  This commitment includes completing an online child-safety program before attending the Kick-Off meeting.

Prompt financial payment toward your LHM account in accordance with schedules set forth.


Is childcare provided for my younger children?


Childcare is provided during group time.



How much are the fees?


Fees are $75 per family and a discount is given for members of Linworth Road Church. Additional costs are required for High School students to cover supplies.

Click Here to Enroll in LHM