August 20, 2023

Faith Can Have Disguises

Speaker: Chris Martin Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile Passage: 2 Kings 11–14

Faith can have disguises. Some people equate faith to a feeling of warm comfort. Others like the idea of faith. They liken it to the goodness of positivity, they assume they possess it, but never do anything to own or develop it within themselves. One of the most deceptive disguises is conflating the faith of a respected or influential leader with one's own. It is the coattail effect. I can ride on the faith of someone seemingly closer to God. As we will see in our passage this week, this can have disappointing or even tragic consequences. 

other sermons in this series

Aug 27


The Last Days of Israel

Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: 2 Kings 15–17 Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile

Aug 13


Day of Reckoning

Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: 2 Kings 8–10 Series: 2 Kings: The Long Road to Exile