It's ok to ask for help
Our mercy ministry exists to help those in our church and church network who need help with basic physical needs and expenses, such as food, housing, utilities, work, and medical care. We share Jesus' deep concern for those who are experiencing difficult circumstances. This is the heart of our deacon team, which oversees and manages our mercy ministry.
Karl and Julie Werbovetz (Deacon Team Leaders)
Tim Donahue
Scott and Melinda Boring
Harlan and Karen Hoyt
Karen Lojo
Angie Valtman
Single Parents
The Single Parent Ministry exists to support the single parents through emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.
A single parent is an adult with a child or children in their home without any other adults, excluding the situations where the parent is living in another family member’s home (i.e. parents, sister, brother, etc.), to help with shelter in the same home.
Ways to be served:
Moms and parents activities
Help find resources
Direct to other areas in the Mercy Ministry (if a member or regular attender)
Providing assistance with physical needs (i.e. school supplies, food pantry, medical help for the parent, etc.)
Financial Assistance
The Financial Assistance Ministry exists to provide assistance and guidance on financial matters to members and regular attenders (at least one year) of Linworth Road Church.
Ways to be served:
Emergency funds to cover short-term needs for critical living expenses
Assistance in developing a budget
Receive guidance to make wise financial choices
Housing Assistance
The Housing Assistance Ministry exists to provide housing resources and options to members of Linworth Road Church.
Ways to be served:
Emergency short-term housing resources
Guidance in preparing and planning for improving housing situations
Food Pantry
The Linworth Food Pantry exists to assist local families with basic food necessities for short-term needs while reflecting Christ’s provision and mercy in a practical and tangible way. Qualifying families and individuals in need are provided a 3-day supply of non-perishable items.
Ways to be served:
Receive donated food or grocery store gift cards
Receive prayer for the health and provision of the hungry in our area
Hours: (on-location at Linworth Road Church)
Call 211 for an appointment
Tuesdays, 1-3pm by appointment only.
Thursdays, delivery by appointment only.
Physical Needs
The Physical Needs Ministry will seek to match the Mercy Ministry and volunteers with those who have physical needs in order to meet ongoing needs that arise among those with physical limitations.
Ways to be served:
Have meals provided
Assistance for those who are caring for ailing parents
Maintenance work
Running errands
Special Needs Assistance
The Limitless Ministry exists to support those children, adults, and families who live with special needs such as developmental delays or learning challenges.
Ways to be served:
Provide companionship and support
Help find resources, training, and information to increase understanding of special needs
Provide respite and relief for family members of those with severe special needs.
Career Support
The Career Support provides career guidance, resume writing assistance and offers a springboard for you to marry your spiritual gifts and passions with a career. Whether you're looking for work or considering a career change, let us help you.
Ways to be served:
Information on job opportunities based on skillset and experience
Assistance with resume writing and interview preparation
Connect with people in a similar industry or career of interest
Pray with those in a career crisis