We conclude our #Happy series this week with a call to Mission. Linworth is committed to making disciples that are fully on-mission. Mission means sacrifice, yet one of the surprising outcomes of engaging in mission is an abounding joy. How does that work? It appears to be upside down. How does a sacrificial life devoted to helping others reconcile to God create such an outcome? Here is a profound truth: sharing our faith moves us into the joy-filled realm of uniting with God in His care for the spiritually poor. Uniting with God connects us to our life purpose and that is what enflames our hearts with joy. Uniting with God in His work is an amazing privilege afforded us in the sovereign plan of God.
other sermons in this series
Nov 13
Happy Diversity
Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Happy
Nov 13
Happy Salvation
Speaker: Series: Happy
Nov 6
Happy Giving
Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Happy