Resurrected Joy
Speaker: Pete Kresge Series: Luke - The Gospel For Everyone Passage: Luke 24:36–53
Jesus resurrects his disciples' joy and hope when he walked out of the grave and into their presence. In Luke 24:36-53, we’ll witness the power of the risen Lord. Jesus’ physical resurrection has significant implications for us, even as he promises that his presence will continue in a different way through the Holy Spirit. We can be filled with the same hope and joy of being part of our risen savior’s mission
other sermons in this series
Aug 25
Why Can't We See Jesus?
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Luke 24:13–35 Series: Luke - The Gospel For Everyone
Jul 26
The Garden
Speaker: Passage: Luke 22:39–53 Series: Luke - The Gospel For Everyone
Jul 19
The Beautiful Results of Believing in Others
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Luke 22:24–38, Luke 22:54–62 Series: Luke - The Gospel For Everyone