February 18, 2018

How the Spirit Forms Real Community

Speaker: Chris Martin Series: The Empowered Life Passage: Acts 2:42–47

All of us long for community and a sense of togetherness. At the same time, the values our culture prizes most teach, reinforce, celebrate, and undermine the very thing we want. Most people are lonely and relationally unfulfilled. This is not how God intended life to be. In the last message, we learned that the birth of the church launched a new community in which individuals shared their life together at every level--spiritually, relationally, and economically.

other sermons in this series

May 27


May 20


Empowered to Suffer Well

Speaker: Nick LoSchiavo Passage: Acts 16:26–34 Series: The Empowered Life

May 13


Empowered to Hear

Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Acts 16:6–10 Series: The Empowered Life