Empowered to Suffer Well
Speaker: Nick LoSchiavo Series: The Empowered Life Passage: Acts 16:26–34
The Bible promises, in multiple places, that every believer will experience suffering and sorrow at some point in life. In Acts 16, we see that even the very place that the Lord led Paul and his missionary team, for the purpose of ministry, came with troubles and suffering. When thinking about situations like this in your life, how do you respond? Do you resort to fear? Do you worry? Do you question God? These are normal responses to suffering for human beings. But, as we continue in the book of Acts, we will see that Paul and Silas respond to significant suffering in a much different way through the power of the Holy Spirit.
other sermons in this series
May 27
Speaker: Chris Martin Series: The Empowered Life
May 13
Empowered to Hear
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Acts 16:6–10 Series: The Empowered Life
May 6
Empowered for Unity
Speaker: John Hopler Passage: Acts 15:1–41 Series: The Empowered Life