Remember Jesus
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Series: 2 Timothy - Entrusted With The Gospel Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–13
It’s clear from the context of 2 Timothy that Paul realizes his time is short and he needs the next generation of leaders, namely Timothy, to step up. When you read the letter, you sense the urgency in Paul’s words, but also his deliberateness. There’s no doubt that Timothy is walking into a very difficult leadership situation, of which Paul is well aware. There is a job to do, there’s a mission to fulfill, and so Paul exhorts Timothy to move forward by "being strengthened by the grace that is Christ Jesus.” What exactly does that mean? What is this mission Timothy has been given? Does any of that apply to us today?
other sermons in this series
Feb 25
Faith to the End
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: 2 Timothy 4:9–22 Series: 2 Timothy - Entrusted With The Gospel
Feb 18
Begin with the End in Mind
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–8 Series: 2 Timothy - Entrusted With The Gospel
Feb 11
Rock Solid Faith in Crazy Times
Speaker: Tom Short Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10–17 Series: 2 Timothy - Entrusted With The Gospel