August 11, 2024

Church as Family--Part 2

Speaker: Chris Martin Series: "Its Complicated..." - When Community Gets Messy Passage: Acts 2:42–47, Mark 3:31–34

We live in a culture in which individual rights trump everything. Our culture's greatest sin is submerging your own dreams because of tradition or the needs of family or community. This is so ingrained in us that to doubt or question it is akin to secular heresy.  Of course, leave it up to Jesus to question the status quo--to go after our modern idols. In the New Testament world, the individual's dreams and destiny were tied to the hopes of their family and community. In this cultural setting, Jesus pictured a new kind of spiritual family emerging. Our hope in this message is to try to wrap our heads around what this means for us-- in ways we understand it, and in ways we might be missing it.

other sermons in this series