The Jealous Love of God
Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel Passage: Ezekiel 16:1–63
Marriages can collapse. In some cases, vows once made are broken and betrayal causes separation. Where the presence of another lover exists, jealousy erupts. This is the story in Ezekiel 16. Ezekiel pronounces a series of judgments on Judah through allegory, likening Judah to a rebellious wife-turned-prostitute. Ezekiel does not mince words in describing how Judah has abandoned her commitment to Yahweh, and why this "marriage" must be...well, perhaps suspended is the best way to say it. Through this allegorical message--the longest in the Bible--we will encounter the holy passion and divine desire of God for His own.
other sermons in this series
Jun 23
What God Desires
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Ezekiel 40:1– 48:35 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel
Jun 16
Resurrection through the Spirit
Speaker: Cory Baugher Passage: Ezekiel 37:1–28 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel
Jun 9
The Good Shepard
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: Ezekiel 34:1–31 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel