Daniel and the Lion's Den: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel Passage: Daniel 6:1–28
Few biblical stories capture the imagination quite like Daniel and the Lions Den. From Sunday school lessons to coloring pages, it’s a very familiar story. However though, the temptation is to trivialize this story or, at the very least, think of it as being childish. When we do that, we miss out on all that God has to say to us through it.
other sermons in this series
Jun 23
What God Desires
Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Ezekiel 40:1– 48:35 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel
Jun 16
Resurrection through the Spirit
Speaker: Cory Baugher Passage: Ezekiel 37:1–28 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel
Jun 9
The Good Shepard
Speaker: Nick Carruthers Passage: Ezekiel 34:1–31 Series: Life in Exile: Studies in Daniel and Ezekiel