February 5, 2023


Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Welcoming the Gifts of the Spirit Passage: Matthew 17:14–20

Welcoming the gifts of the Spirit requires a paradigm shift. We all carry assumptions about the world and what is real. Those assumptions are like prisms through which we "see." Our prisms impact our capacity to see with spiritual eyes and detect where God is working. One of the current prisms that has a tight grip on how we view the world is pragmatism. (Definition: If it works, it's true.) Pragmatism, as one author wrote, is the kryptonite of the church. What does that mean? It's a critical question to consider as we launch this series.

Join us Sunday, in-person or online. We'll begin to to walk down this important road, as Pastor Chris Martin begins our new series, Welcoming the Gifts of the Spirit.