October 3, 2021

Compromise--the Church in Sardis

Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Jesus In Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:12–7

Our next church (the fifth of seven) bears the distinction of receiving no positive words from Jesus. While a few members were lifted up, Jesus urges the church as a whole to wake up. They have been slowly lulled to sleep. Revelation reveals Satan’s reality and his ongoing war against the church--if he cannot destroy a church, he seeks to weaken it through compromise. What is the "back door" he has found in Sardis, as well as in others?

The answer to this question is the focus of this message shared by Pastor Chris Martin in our series, Jesus in Revelation.

other sermons in this series

Nov 14


Nov 7


The Triumph of the Lamb

Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Revelation 5:5 Series: Jesus In Revelation

Oct 24


Thou Art Worthy

Speaker: Tom Short Passage: Revelation 4 Series: Jesus In Revelation