September 19, 2021

The Faithful but Permissive Church

Speaker: Chris Martin Series: Jesus In Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:12–17

This week, we turn our focus on the church in Pergamum. Their circumstances cross the span of time and speak to us about a cosmic struggle--literally, heaven vs. hell. A spiritual reality more real than the device you are reading this on—and one not devoid of conquerors and victims. The followers of Jesus in Pergamum were remarkable in their devotion to Jesus, yet they had opened a back door that threatened to bring the whole thing down.

other sermons in this series

Nov 14


Nov 7


The Triumph of the Lamb

Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: Revelation 5:5 Series: Jesus In Revelation

Oct 24


Thou Art Worthy

Speaker: Tom Short Passage: Revelation 4 Series: Jesus In Revelation