September 17, 2017

Three Stories

Speaker: Series: 1 Samuel Passage: 1 Samuel 23–26

As we continue our study this week, we find Davidstill on the run from Saul. In these chapters, David will encounter Saul two more times. David also meets a wise and beautiful woman named Abigail. As we explore these three stories, we learn how they impact and shape David for his rise in becoming the next king of Israel.

other sermons in this series

Oct 1


At the End of Your Rope

Speaker: Passage: 1 Samuel 29–31 Series: 1 Samuel

Sep 24


Desperate for Reassurance

Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: 1 Samuel 27–28 Series: 1 Samuel

Sep 10


The Inertia of Isolation

Speaker: Chris Martin Passage: 1 Samuel 21–23 Series: 1 Samuel